
End of Vegas trip report

Went over to the MGM to play $1/2 game
to finish out the trip. (Not a) Nice way to close
out the trip, with a super cold, ultra sick deck.


AA ------KK ------ K87---Villain nearly shit himself, I Fold.
93--------?? ------ 995---Villain bets $50 into $15 pot, I Fold.
AK-------??------- KK9---Villain bets $200 into $55 pot, I Fold.
44--------77------- 479----Villain made massive reraise, I Fold.

88--------99------- 89J----Normally chatty villain froze, I Fold.
56--------TJ--------789----Villain reraises big, argggg, I Fold.

These werent the only one's, just a few
representitive examples that I wrote in

my notebook. If there was time before
we had to catch our plane, I would have
grabbed my chips and went to another
casino, but time was short, so i just
yelled "Cocktails!" and ordered
another beer every time the cards
slapped me in the face. Was feeling
pretty buzzed by the time we had to leave,
8 or 9 Corona's later. Amazingly, left only
- $140 down. Considering the cold deck,

I call that a win.

Several europeans at the table. There
were actually a lot of french, german,
dutch, and scandinavian players this trip.
Taking advantage of the strong Euro$
I suspect. Sat beside a young man from
France, probably the best frenchman
I've played against. Considering how much
I loathe French and German players Online
(because they are, in general brutally bad players),
that doesnt say alot. He did give me a
chance to put those 7 years of french class
to good use. I was able to put together
gems like "Cest vingt-deux chips" and
my favorite, "Bonne chance" when he left
the table to play the 7pm tournament.

We left the MGM just after 8pm, returned the
rental car and took the shuttle to the airport.

Always a little depressing having to leave Vegas.

Misc. Notes:
- All the casino's were less crowded
than they were on my last trip a
few months ago (April 08).
Fewer people around was ok though,

it meant casino's were far less smokey.

Unfortunately, this also meant that the
Poker games in a lot of the casino's
were much slower.
(MGM poker room was alway busy).

- Came across more rude casino staff
than expected. I would think when times
are obviously tough, staff would try a
little harder. Obviously some people
arent happy with their jobs and it shows.
Rude cashiers at the Fitz, 4Q and dirty
washrooms at Caesars and Binions.

At the Four Queens, I got an attitude from
the dealer, the floor guy and the cage
when I tried to use a "$15 for $10"
that I got from the Players Club.
You'd think it was the first time anyone
had seen one before and acted as if it was
a major inconvenience to their day.

- Favorite slots this trip: Super Dance Party,
Hoot Loot, Turkey Shoot, Phone Tag

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