
Hey all

Hello folks,

Been putting in the minimum amount of
hands lately, enough to clear some bonuses. 
FullTilt is running the Take2 promotion,
that's a real easy way to add 25$ to your
bankroll with low risk of ruin and less
than 10 minutes of play a day.  

The 18 player sitngo's on PokerStars
have been treating me well.  There seams
to be plenty of weak Euro players.

Wish Stars had more low stakes sng
options.  There used to be lots of
(juicey) Double-Or-Nothing Turbo's,
now the selection is minimal.
Heads-up sng's, while tough to beat the
rake, are still are still my default game
if I cant find something good to play.

The low stakes Rush Poker tables on
FTP have really tightened up.  The stats
i've been seeing lately make me wonder
if a profit is possible. 
Lots of nut peddlers and blind defenders.