
Corey Z on PAD

This guy has been added to my list
of favorite players now. The way
Corey Zeidman ripped on Phil Hellmuth
on episode 1 of this weeks Poker After Dark
has endeared me to him.
The theme is "Speak Your Mind" and
Corey has taken this literally.
PAD will easily be the best thing on
tv every night this week at 2:05am.

You can watch mondays episode here:

Hellmuth proves that he can dish out
lines like "this guy can't even spell poker"
(at the '08 wsop) but he cant take it when
someone gives it to him.

Here's some highlites:

-Zeidman to Hellmuth: "Do you
always complain when you win a pot ?"

-After Hellmuth calls Gordons river bet
with the losing hand, Corey says:
"I think he needs to put more bracelets on"

-Hellmuth says "I just had my own
reality tv show on Fox Sportsnet".
Zeidman retorts "Yeah, that was a gem".
The table erupts with laughter.

-Hellmuth states he's on the 20,000th
peg of a 30,000 peg holdem ladder,
but Zeidman is only on the 4th peg...
"so you dont have a right to ever
talk to me about poker"

-Phil modestly proclaims that he gave
a speach at Oxford University like
"Clinton, Churchill, and those guys"

-Hellmuth doesnt enjoy the needles so
he threatens to ask for protection from
the floorman.

- Phil Gordon takes a shot at Corey
referencing Zeidmans incoherant rant
during the '07 wsop pay-per-veiw.
Corey (high or drunk?) was rambling on
about having a toothache before the
ME, so he went to the dentist office and
was disgusted by what he saw, the
dentists chair had bread crumbs on it.

Corey is most famous for his straight-flush
"slow-roll" of Jen Harman at the 2005 wsop
main event. He'll probably never live that
down even if he lives to be 100. If you watch
the video, I dont think it was intentional,
but that doesnt really matter when you
slow roll the most popular woman in poker.


Why I dont play at Casino Niagara much

Its been a while since I played poker
at Casino Niagara so I made that my
target for Saturday afternoon/evening.

I called ahead when driving by Hamilton
and got my name on the list to minimize
any waiting time when I got there.

I arrived at the poker room before 4pm
and was told that it would be a minimum
One Hour wait, probably longer since there
were about 15 ahead of me on the list.
Considering CN had 8 tables running and
plenty of empty tables, I find this unacceptable.
Not only that, the only games they had
running were $1/2 - $100 max. No $200 max
games being spread any more I guess.

I called over to Seneca and asked how long the
wait was. No wait, immediate seating.
Plus, they had $1/2 100max, 200max,
$2/5, and 2/4, 3/6, and 4/8 limit spread as well.

After a quick drive across the river, (less than
30 minutes later) I was sitting in a game.

The difference between these two casino's ?
Seneca can/will open up a new table when
demand dictates because they schedule an
adequate number of dealers. Casino Niagara
is happy to turn people away or make them
wait, hoping they will drop some money
out on the casino floor.