
Joe Sebok signs with UB

Joe Sebok has joined UltimateBet as one of the
site's sponsored players and has also taken a
company position as a "media and operations consultant".

Sebok says "I wanted to get three things accomplished:
get the cheating account handles out in the open, open up
the access for players to get all their hand histories, and get
the actual physical names of the cheaters, besides Russ
Hamilton, out in the open. We succeeded in getting two-thirds
of that list done and that was enough for me to come on board
and continue to work for #3 on that list,"

Unfortunately, players are still having problems getting hand
histories sent to them. Emails from support are often returned
with "you can retrieve your hand histories by opening up
UltimateBet, selecting Menu and then select Hand Histories"

If you cant get complete hand histories, knowing the cheating
account handles doesnt help you one bit.

As far as getting the real names of other cheaters released,
all I can say is... poor naive Joe, good luck with that one.

1 comment:

Andy Bruinewoud said...

I love how the Kanehake Gaming Commission in their final report basically said "We can't do anything, we're not an enforcement agency." Sober words for the online poker community.