a $25 bankroll on ReeferPoker from Tony Guererra....
I've been trying out the cash games the last few days.
Play on Reefer is so much softer/more passive
than I'm used to on FTP. Low/Micro stakes on Full Tilt
has become almost unbeatable. Reefer on the other
hand, it's like going back in time 2-3 years. Tonnes of
limpers preflop (4-7 ppl at full ring), not much isolating.
When they do play more aggro (evenings seem more aggr),
its often very noobish, Raise 10x or just shove preflop
with TT or JJ or protect their mid pair. The other thing
I see is passive play PF, Flop + Turn, then shove all in
on the River with the nuts. Lots of players have no concept
of value bet. They're not all aweful, but enough of them are.
I cant believe how many of them stack off drawing dead !
The other newbie thing they do is showing cards,
winners and bluffs. I get shown more hands
voluntarily in one session than I have gotten
shown the entire year on full tilt. Reefer has a
show one card only feature, some of them use that,
others just show both cards for free.
Right now, I'm playing very nitty, probably 10%,
I've run the $25 up to $45, playing $0.04NL
and $0.05 Omaha8. Playing 2 tables, buying in
for 50bb or less. Once I get it up to $75-100
i'll move up stakes.
Rake is low there (5%), compared to FTP (10%+).
Keep more of your money and keeps bad players alive longer.
I think their main advertising is in High Times and
other weed magazines, so not exactly getting many
mainstream good players.
The software isnt world class but acceptable.
I'm having the odd flash/freezing issues if I have
other programs running at the same time.
Reefer (on the Merge Network) isnt directly compatible
with HoldemManager or PokerTracker, although you can
buy adapting software, so I suspect almost No One is
using a HUD or keeping your stats. (I suspect atleast
1/2 - 2/3 of the people on FTP run tracking software)
Totally unscientific, I opened up FTP and Reefer at
the same time and did a comparison of Total Pot Size
and % Players to Flop stats.
Full Tilt stats taken during double points happy hour
which plays looser than normal, table selected looking
for loosest tables available. Often on Reefer there's only
one or two tables available at any given stakes.
(weekends have by far the most traffic and worst players)
OMAHA/8, 9handed $0.05/ $0.10
$2.41 --- 75%
$1.89 --- 35%
OMAHA/8, 9handed $0.02/ $0.04 (Reef) $0.02/$0.05 (tilt)
$1.01 --- 75%
$1.55 --- 42%
OMAHA/8, 6max $0.02/ $0.04 (Reef) $0.02/$0.05 (tilt)
$2.00 --- 72%
$1.99 --- 47%
OMAHA/8, 9handed $0.50/ $1.00
$21.97 --- 67%
$18.38 --- 49%
NL Holdem, 9handed $0.02/ $0.04 (Reef) $0.02/$0.05 (tilt)
$1.68 --- 36%
$1.46 --- 58%
$1.38 --- 31%
$1.36 --- 27%
NL Holdem, 6max $0.02/ $0.04 (Reef) $0.02/$0.05 (tilt)
$1.68 --- 36%
$1.46 --- 58%
$1.39 --- 34% ( most tables are $0.39-$1.20 and 30%)
$1.52 --- 41%
NL Holdem, 9handed $0.05/ $0.10
$2.79 --- 39%
$2.83 --- 45%
$1.61 --- 36% (most tables are $1.00-$1.40 and 21%-32%)
$1.47 --- 45%
NL Holdem, 6max $0.10/ $0.25
$8.31 --- 41%
$8.93 --- 43%
$10.19 -- 46%
$9.10 --- 32%
$8.48 --- 37%
$8.80 --- 31%
LIMIT Holdem, 9handed $0.25/ $0.50
$1.94 --- 72%
$2.28 --- 57%
$1.81 --- 34%
$2.62 --- 27%
The tournaments are pretty weak too.
Most of their guarantees seem to be
getting covered, but the fields are fairly
small and beatable.
I'm moving a bunch of my FullTilt roll to Reefer,
definitely worth checking out IMO.