
Degree Poker Update

just got some interesting updated info.
Looks like the tournament is going to
be majorly scaled back this year.
Last year... 3000 players, this year...
8 tables - 72 players.
Bingo Blind structure looks to be
the same unfortunately.

Ways to Enter into the Tournament:
1) winning one of fifty-four (54)
Tournament seats in an online contest
conducted by Unilever Canada
at the degreepoker.com website.

2) winning one of two (2) tournament seats
in a Unilever Canada product point of sale

3) being one of the eleven (11) qualifying
players from the2005 and 2006 Degree
Poker Championship.

4) winning one of five (5) seats in
tournament play at Casino Rama.
(Top 5, one tournament, not sure if you'll
have to pay to enter this tournament)

72 work down to 36 (4 tables) for the filming.

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