
Internet Gambling Face-Off Brewing in AB

by Christopher Hunt

The Alexander First Nation - a Cree
band with a reserve near Edmonton,
Alberta - is setting up a web hosting
company and establishing their own
commission to issue licenses to online
gambling companies.

Solicitor General Fred Lindsay says
it's illegal, and there's no way he'll
stand for it. Who's going to blink?

The Canadian Press is reporting
Lindsay knows of the Cree band's
intentions to set up a web hosting
operation similar to one run by the
Mohawk Nation in Quebec - with more
than 400 international gambling sites
under its umbrella - and he's set to
draw a line in the sand.

"We're indicating to them to cease
and desist if it is their intent to conduct
an illegal operation in the province of
Alberta," Linsday said in the CP article.
"Anybody who goes against the Criminal
Code of Canada would end up being a
lawbreaker. Right now, in regard to
Alexander, they've indicated intent to
do that, so we're investigating it."

Lindsay indicated the Mohawks have
been advising the Alexander First Nation
through the set-up process, and the band
has established a gaming commission to
issue licenses, but gambling sites have
yet to be launched.

The Alexander band, CP says, believe
they are a sovereign nation with the right
to issue licenses.

Application fees are said to be $20,000.

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